Rattlin Roarin Willie
- Score
- Part of Burns slip jigs (A-B)
Red Haired Boy
Return from Fingal
Rhonda’s Reel
- Score
- Riv Col Vol 2
Riverside Reel
- Score
- Riv Col Vol 2
RMP Polka (Jo’s Sunday Session) by Bill Cook
Rockin the Baby
Romanische Bulgar
Royal Scots Polka
- Pipe Score – http://bdot-inc.com/the-royal-scots-polka.pdf
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlxXAVWTyrc
Runrig jig set aka Jig Runrig (CB set 19)
Saunterin Hame
Scarborough Fair
Scotland the Brave
Scots Wha Hae
Seven Step Polka
Shifra Tanz
- Score
- CB set 62)
- Shifra_Tanz was introduced to us by Jenny Oswald as a Circle Dance. It is a Klezmer tune and dance, having its origins in the Jewish communities of Moldavia. Shifra Tanz is yiddish for ‘a sailor dancing’.
- Alternative version with Bb key signature – Tanz (RMP) – thanks to David Wilson for this
Shove the Pig’s Foot
- included in CB set 65
- Score
Silver Wedding
Sine Bhan
Sleeping Tune
Slightly Inebriated (Riv Col Vol 2) CB set 58
Snug in a Blanket (CB set 27)
Sophie’s Waltz –
- Score
- included in CB set 29 (Riv Col Vol 1)
- included in RMP42AlysWaltzSophieMargaretsWaltzMargaretJanesWaltz
- Soundcloud
Soraidh leis an ait
- Composer:- Gordon Duncan
- Introduced to RMP by Charlotte on 21/9/2014
Spring the Summer Lang
St Bernard’s Waltz – see CB2
Starry Nights of Shetland
Stirling Castle (strathspey)
- Riv Col Vol 2
- Youtube
- A 6/8 pipe march in four parts, by Pipe Major James Wilson*. The original version has g naturals, as in the scale of the pipe chanter. When played on other instruments, sometimes these are played as g sharps, depending on the tonality of the tune. This tune has more of an ‘A major’ feel than a binary A/G tonality, and so it feels right to play the gs sharp when they occur, usually as leading notes up to A. Unless of course you’re a piper…
- Goes well after The Carse of Stirling
- * You can see a painting (1853) of PM James Wilson by Daniel Cunliffe at the Regimental Museum of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders at Stirling Castle.
Stirlingshire Miltia
- Score
- Riv Col Vol 2
Stocainnen Daoimean
Starry Nights in Shetland
Stoursooker Two-Step
- Riv Col Vol 2
- Score
- CB set 45
Stronsay Waltz
Sunday Session Jig
- Score
- CB set 68
Sweet Maid of Glendaruel
- CB set 1
- Riv Col Vol 1
The Treasurer (Riv Col Vol 2)
Tune for Peter (Riv Col Vol 2)
Varshaver Freylekhs
Waltz for Maureen
Woo’d an’ Married an’ a (see Burns Slip Jigs)
Whistle o’er the Lave o’t (Sean Truibhas)
Ye Banks and Braes –
- CB set 23
- Riv Col Vol 1
Young Folks Welcome to Stirling (Riv Col Vol 2)
Youngest Ancient Mariner, The
Zol Zayn Gelebt