Rattlin Roarin Willie

  • Score
  • Part of Burns slip jigs (A-B)

Red Haired Boy

Return from Fingal

Rhonda’s Reel 

Riverside (Polka)

Riverside Reel

RMP Polka (Jo’s Sunday Session) by Bill Cook


Rockin the Baby

Romanische Bulgar

Royal Scots Polka

Runrig jig set aka Jig Runrig (CB set 19)


Saunterin Hame

Scarborough Fair

Scotland the Brave

Scots Wha Hae

Seven Step Polka

Shifra Tanz

  • Score
  • CB set 62)
  • Shifra_Tanz was introduced to us by Jenny Oswald as a Circle Dance.  It is a Klezmer tune and dance, having its origins in the Jewish communities of Moldavia.  Shifra Tanz is yiddish for ‘a sailor dancing’.
  • Alternative version with Bb key signature – Tanz (RMP) – thanks to David Wilson for this

Short Coated Mary

Shove the Pig’s Foot

  • included in CB set 65
  • Score

Silver Wedding

Sine Bhan

Sleeping Tune

Slightly Inebriated (Riv Col Vol 2) CB set 58

Snipe, The

Snug in a Blanket (CB set 27)

Sophie’s Waltz

Soraidh leis an ait


Soup Dragon

  • Composer:- Gordon Duncan
  • Introduced to RMP by Charlotte on 21/9/2014

Spring the Summer Lang

St Bernard’s Waltz – see CB2

Starry Nights of Shetland

Stirling Castle (strathspey)

Stirling Castle Polka

Stirling Muir (Riv Col Vol 2)

  • A 6/8 pipe march in four parts, by Pipe Major James Wilson*. The original version has g naturals, as in the scale of the pipe chanter. When played on other instruments, sometimes these are played as g sharps, depending on the tonality of the tune. This tune has more of an ‘A major’ feel than a binary A/G tonality, and so it feels right to play the gs sharp when they occur, usually as leading notes up to A. Unless of course you’re a piper…
  • Goes well after The Carse of Stirling
  • * You can see a painting (1853) of PM James Wilson by Daniel Cunliffe at the Regimental Museum of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders at Stirling Castle.

Stirlingshire Miltia

Stocainnen Daoimean

Starry Nights in Shetland

Stoursooker Two-Step

  • Riv Col Vol 2
  • Score
  • CB set 45

Stronsay Waltz

Sunday Session Jig


Sweet Maid of Glendaruel

Sweet Molly


  • CB set 1
  • Riv Col Vol 1


The Treasurer (Riv Col Vol 2)

Tune for Peter (Riv Col Vol 2)

Varshaver Freylekhs



Waltz for Jo

Waltz for Maureen

Woo’d an’ Married an’ a (see Burns Slip Jigs)

Whistle o’er the Lave o’t (Sean Truibhas)

Ye Banks and Braes

  • CB set 23
  • Riv Col Vol 1

Young Folks Welcome to Stirling (Riv Col Vol 2)

Youngest Ancient Mariner, The

Zol Zayn Gelebt