Eighteen Six Two Step (CB set 6)
(with dodgy percussion but good tempo!)
Emma & Jamie’s Wedding
- Score
- CB set 63
- This tune is also well-known as the air for the Gaelic song Soraidh (Farewell).
- Soraidh lyrics
Fear a Choire
Fiddle Tree Jig
- Score
- CB set 51
Firth of Forth
Flatwater Fran
- Riv Coln Vol1
- CB set 14
Floating from Skerry
Forth Crescent Jig (Riv Coln Vol 2)
Freylekhs Set
Gaelic Waltzes (Sine Bhan & Soraidh)
- [waltzes played by Jo Miller & Neil Sutcliffe]
Galway Hornpipe
- CB set 24
- Riv Coln Vol 1
- PractiseMidi
Gary & Miho’s Wedding
Gentle Light that wakes me
Gentle Milkmaid
George & Ann’s Golden Wedding
Give me your Hand (Tabhair Dom do Lamh)
Glengarry March
- PractiseMidi
- CB set 44
- Riv Coln Vol 2 – Peter’s tune is also featured on the Gowanhill Heritage Trail – see if you can find it next time you explore this historic area!
Hakki’s Polka
- Score
- Score with second part
- Tom (Anderson) composed this polka in the winter of 1978 sitting at the fireside with an American student, Ellen Thomas, who wrote the second fiddle part. ‘Hakki’ is the Shetland name for the Norwegian ‘Haakon’, and this tune is dedicated to the great Norwegian King Haakon, a statuette of whom stands on Tom’s mantlepiece.
- Thanks to Iain for this tune and to Tim for transcribing tune with second part and for above background notes
Happy Nigun
Happy One Step
- see CB set 50
- CB set 41
High Drive
[Neil Sutcliffe playing Gordon Duncan’s High Drive as taught by Jo on 8th Feb 2015. Great Stuff!!]
Highland Donald
- [2 reels by Bruce MacGregor played by Jo Miller & Neil Sutcliffe]
Home Grown Waltzes
- see CB set 32
- Midi
House in Rose Valley
I’ll Aye Call in by Yon Toon
- (Recorded at RMP session on 24 Jan 2016)